Class SexChromosomes

The class SexChromosomes serves for the description of the chromosome count field in an ISCN formula.


New(Description: String)
Constitutional: Boolean
NumberOfX: Integer
NumberOfQuestionedX: Integer
NumberOfY: Integer
NumberOfQuestionedY: Integer
clone(): Object {Implements ICloneable.Clone}
hasSexChromosomes(): Boolean
toString(): String

Programming Language

  • Microsoft Visual Basic .Net.



Public Sub New()

Instantiates a new SexChromosomes object.


  • None.


  • This constructor is meant for COM compatibility. Since all properties can be set later, a general use is possible.

Public Sub New(ByVal Description As String)

Instantiates a new SexChromosomes object.


  • Description: a textual description of the sex chromosomes field according to the ISCN.


  • Exception: If the textual description of the sex chromosomes contains characters which are not compatible for sex chromosomes, an exception showing a description of the problem and the illegal character is shown.


  • The Description parameter is not case-sensitive.
  • A correct sequence of X and Y in the Description is not required; the correct sequence can be obtained via the toString() function.
  • Accepted characters are: "X","Y" for the chromosomes proper, "?" for uncertain chromosomes, "c" for constitutional alterations.
  • Note that rearranged sex chromosomes are not denoted in the sex chromosomes field, but as regular aberrations.


  • mySC = New SexChromosomes("XY") initializes a SexChromosomes object for a normal male karyotype.
  • mySC = New SexChromosomes("XcYX") initializes a SexChromosomes object for a Klinefelter karyotype; the toString() function will show the sex chromosomes in the correct order as "XXYc".



is implemented with the clone function.


The class does not provide enumerations.


Constitutional As Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating if the alteration in the sex chromosomes is constitutional.

Property Value

  • a value indicating if the alteration in the sex chromosomes is constitutional.


  • this property is used with e.g. Klinefelter or Triple-X syndromes.

NumberOfX() As Integer

Gets or sets the number of X chromosomes (which are not questioned).

Property Value

  • the number of X chromosomes.



  • With mySC = New SexChromosomes("XXX"), NumberOfX is 3.
  • With mySC = New SexChromosomes("X?XY"), NumberOfX is 1.

NumberOfQuestionedX() As Integer

Gets or sets the number of X chromosomes whose presence is not certain.

Property Value

  • the number of uncertain X chromosomes.


  • For certain X chromosomes, the NumberOfX property is used.


  • With mySC = New SexChromosomes("XXX"), NumberOfQuestionedX is 0.
  • With mySC = New SexChromosomes("X?XY"), NumberOfQuestionedX is 1.

NumberOfY() As Integer

Gets or sets the number of Y chromosomes (which are not questioned).

Property Value

  • the number of Y chromosomes.



  • With mySC = New SexChromosomes("XYY"), NumberOfY is 2.
  • With mySC = New SexChromosomes("XY?Y"), NumberOfY is 1.

NumberOfQuestionedY() As Integer

Gets or sets the number of Y chromosomes whose presence is not certain.

Property Value

  • the number of uncertain Y chromosomes.


  • For certain Y chromosomes, the NumberOfY property is used.


  • With mySC = New SexChromosomes("XYY"), NumberOfQuestionedY is 0.
  • With mySC = New SexChromosomes("XY?Y"), NumberOfQuestionedY is 1.


Public Function clone() As Object Implements ICloneable.Clone

Returns a copy of the SexChromosomes object.

Return Value

  • A copy of the SexChromosomes object.



  • The SexChromosomes object does not contain data of reference type, cloning is done by copying all its class wide variables.

Public Function hasSexChromosomes() As Boolean

Returns an indication if sex chromosomes are present at all in the sex chromosomes field.

Return Value

  • an indication if sex chromosomes are present.


  • It does not matter if the chromosomes were questioned or not.
  • Note that rearranged sex chromosomes are not denoted in the sex chromosomes field, but as regular aberrations; hence, an absence of sex chromosomes may be caused by such rearrangements.

Public Shadows Function toString() As String

Returns a textual description of the SexChromosomes according to the ISCN.

Return Value

  • a textual description of the SexChromosomes.


  • The description strictly foolows the ISCN standards, also when the input did not follow the standards.

Interaction with other classes

Classes using SexChromosomes

The SexChromosomes class is used by the Karyotype class only.