Interface IMinable

The interface IMinable defines common parameters for the creation of data mining structures from cytogenetic cases.


createMiningDataFromGainsLossesStructs(Resolution: ChromosomeData.eResolutionLevel): MiningInputData
createMiningDataFromSCCNAberrations(Resolution: ChromosomeData.eResolutionLevel): MiningInputData
createMiningDataFromStandardAberrationElements(): MiningInputData

Programming Language

  • Microsoft Visual Basic .Net.



This class is abstract and thus does not implement a constructor.


This class implements no interfaces.


The class does not provide enumerations.


Ths interface does not define properties.


Public Function createMiningDataFromGainsLossesStructs(Optional ByVal Resolution As ChromosomeData.eResolutionLevel = ChromosomeData.eResolutionLevel.ResolutionArm) As MiningInputData

Is intended to create a MiningInputData object from the cytoband list of aberrations (GainsLossesStructs) calculated from the data of the collection implementing this interface.

Return Value

  • a MiningInputData object based on the cytoband list.


  • Resolution: the resolution required for the calculation of the cytoband list.


  • If no resolution is given, the resolution will be set to chromosomal arm.
  • The function is intended to calculate the cytoband list for each case at the required resolution and to add it to the mining data.
  • At the level of the chromosomal bands, the function is to inquire if an aberration did occur there; its quantity does not matter.

Public Function createMiningDataFromSCCNAberrations(Optional ByVal Resolution As ChromosomeData.eResolutionLevel = ChromosomeData.eResolutionLevel.ResolutionNone) As MiningInputData

Is intended to create a MiningInputData object from the SCCN aberrations (QuantitativeAberrations and QualitativeAberrations) calculated from the data of the collection implementing this interface.

Return Value

  • a MiningInputData object based on the SCCN aberrations.


  • Resolution: the resolution required for the calculation of the SCCN aberrations.


  • If no resolution is given, the resolution will be set to none.
  • The function is intended to calculate the SCCN aberations for each case at the required resolution and to add them to the mining data.
  • CGH data do not give raise to QualitativeAberrations, hence the return value for CGH cases will be based on  QuantitativeAberrations only.
  • Only the occurence of an SCCN aberration, but not its quantity, is relevant in this function.

Public Function createMiningDataFromStandardAberrationElements() As MiningInputData

Is intended to create a MiningInputData object from the standard aberration elements (CGH aberrations or ISCN aberrations) calculated from the data of the collection implementing this interface.

Return Value

  • a MiningInputData object based on the standard CGH aberrations.


  • Only the occurence of an aberration, but not its quantity, is relevant in this function.
  • Aberrations are taken as denoted in the ISCN at their respective resolution.

Interaction with other classes

Classes using IMinable

The IMinable interface is implemented by the CGHCollection and KaryotypesCollection classes.

Classes used by IMinable

The return values of the functions defined in IMinable are defined in the CyDASMining package.